Oz-Chill Promotional Offer for Hydrocarbon Training
Oz-Chill refrigerants encourage all refrigeration technicians and associated HVAC industry staff to under go some form of hydrocarbon training. This ensures that the technician understands the properties of hydrocarbon refrigerants…
Increase of ARCticks Annual application fees from 1 January 2014
http://www.arctick.org/coolchange/issue-31/article3.php Fees for RAC licences will increase slightly on 1 January 2014, in-line with the Wage Price Index (WPI). The Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations (1995) set…
Recom Engineering Now Supplying Oz-Chill Refrigerants
Peter Frey from Recom Engineering, an Australian owned and operated compressor remanufacturer, have been testing and analyzing hydrocarbon refrigerants in compressors and systems for a number of years. From his…
The Rules Have Been Loosened
Until recently, Danfoss have had very strict rules around the sale of compressors and controls for flammable refrigerants, e.g. Ethane (R170), Propane (R290), Butane (R600), Iso-Butane (R600a), and Propylene (R1270)….
Multinational Giant Nestle Switches To Natural Refrigerant
Multinational food and beverage company Nestle has announced that they are systematically introducing more environmentally efficient ice cream freezers using natural refrigerants like Oz-Chill across Europe. Having seen the environmental…
HCFCs replacement Committee founded in China
The newly formed Committee on HCFCs replacement technologies of the Chinese industrial and commercial refrigeration industry will HCFCs replacement committee founded in Chinaresearch and recommend technologies, provide technical supply for…
Hydrocarbons Can be Safely Used in Air conditioners, Says GTZ
Dr. Volkmar Hasse, Program Manager at GTZ (German Technical Cooperation), has been involved in a project to introduce HC room Hydrocarbons can be safely used in air conditioners, says GTZair…
EC study on commercial refrigeration recognises HCs
In the context of the Ecodesign Directive, BIO Intelligence Service has published the first part of a preparatory study that will lay the EC study on commercial refrigeration recognises HCsgrounds…
Alarming report on HFCs: a Momentum for Natural Refrigerants
A scientific report has spurred great momentum on how to tap HFCs if we are to avoid the worst effect of climate change in the coming Alarming report on HFCs:…
UNEP Call for case Studies: Hydrocarbons to avoid /replace HCFCs
hydrocarbons21.com has been selected by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as a platform to mobilise the global UNEP call for case studies: Hydrocarbons to avoid/replace HCFCsHC community and invite…