COLD HARD FACT: 1.2 Million Australian Cars Use HC Refrigerants!

COLD HARD FACT: 1.2 Million Australian Cars Use HC Refrigerants!

COLD HARD FACT: 1.2 Million Australian Cars Use HC Refrigerants!

cold-hard-factsA study commissioned by the Australian Government reveals that approximately 8% of passenger and light commercial vehicles in Australia use hydrocarbons refrigerants for their air conditioning system. Therefore out of the 14.6 million vehicle population, there are approximately 1.2 million vehicles using hydrocarbons.

It has been a battle trying to convince most of the industry that hydrocarbons in car air conditioners are safe, even though Hydrocarbons have been used is car air conditioning systems for well over 20 years now.

But hopefully now that the Australian Government have released these fi gures, it may settle even the toughest critics. After all when you combine 20 plus years and over 1.2 million current vehicles on the road with hydrocarbons, the fi gures tell an amazing story.

This document “Cold Hard Facts 2” was prepared for the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. It is a study of the refrigeration and air conditioning industry in Australia. Released July 2013.

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