Are you a Western Australian small-to-medium enterprise wiht a great idea?

Are you a Western Australian small-to-medium enterprise wiht a great idea?

The Western Australian Government recognises that SMEs have great ideas in the palm of their hands.

Taking these ideas and turning them into new and sustainable business opportunities with real commercial outcomes can sometimes be difficult.

Timing is paramount – from your entry into the market; to identifying and realising the opportunities that are available to you.

SMEs need to factor this critical element in to all planning, to ensure they remain one step ahead of their competitors and achieve success on their path to commercialisation.

To assist SMEs to overcome some of the barriers that exist on the path to commercialisation, the Western Australian Government is pleased to announce the Innovation Vouchers Program. This program is being run by the Department of Commerce’s Industry, Science and Innovation Division under the Western Australian Innovation Development Schemes.

Under the program, eligible Western Australian-based SMEs will have access to a financial boost of up to $20,000 that can be used towards engaging professional skills or services that will help your business take an idea and turn it into a commercial reality.

happy wheels
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