What is RPL

What is RPL

Recognised Prior Learning

If a person can demonstrate they have the relevant skills and/or experience, they can get a recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment. This is done against a qualification, without having to complete the full training and assessments.
RPL is a detailed and thorough assessment process that assesses a person’s previous experience and training to determine whether they have the required learning and competencies as they relate to a specific qualification.

Document types used as Evidence

In order to recognise your prior learning through informal and formal sources, the assessor will need to have evidence that you are competent. Evidence can be in many forms, for example:

  • Other Qualifications
  • In-house training certificates
  • Examples of work produced
  • Workplace reference
  • Statement of duties
  • Work project
  • Minutes of meetings attended or conducted
  • Documents showing organising/supervisor skills
  • Awards, commendations, certificates of merit
  • A demonstration

This evidence presented will be matched against the Performance Criteria stated in the Unit of Competency. The assessor may find it necessary to ask questions about the evidence or ask you to perform work activities or a test to provide evidence where there are gaps between what you have provided and what is required.

Selected TAFEs and registered training organisations can perform RPL assessments, as well as VET assessment provider VETASSESS.


The RPL process

(ARC Cool Change – Issue 40). http://coolchange.arctick.org/issue-40/article2.html

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